702102 | cannot find symbol - variable <NAME> |
407776 | ';' expected |
280874 | cannot find symbol - method <NAME> |
197213 | cannot find symbol - class <NAME> |
183908 | incompatible types |
180287 | ')' expected |
173091 | illegal start of expression |
147787 | <identifier> expected |
132080 | <METHOD> cannot be applied to <TYPE> |
120817 | not a statement |
113686 | reached end of file while parsing |
96703 | missing return statement |
91452 | class, interface, or enum expected |
78561 | variable <NAME> is already defined in <METHOD> |
66082 | variable <VARIABLE> might not have been initialized |
58164 | possible loss of precision, found: <TYPE> required: <TYPE> |
56830 | package <PACKAGE> does not exist |
56407 | invalid <METHOD>; return type required |
48925 | '.class' expected |
43056 | illegal start of type |
37386 | bad operand types <TYPE> for binary operator ' ' First type: <TYPE> Second type: <TYPE> |
35179 | no suitable method found for <NAME> |
31518 | illegal character <NAME> |
29965 | unclosed string literal |
29134 | 'else' without 'if' |
28854 | unexpected type, found: <TYPE> required: <TYPE> |
26058 | '(' or '[' expected |
25389 | java.lang.NullPointerException |
21414 | non-static <METHOD> cannot be referenced from a static context |
20995 | '(' expected |
20232 | java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException |
20111 | cannot return a value from <METHOD> result type is void |
19528 | non-static <VARIABLE> cannot be referenced from a static context |
19373 | <CLASS> is public and should be declared in a file named <FILE> |
18898 | java.util.InputMismatchException |
18782 | <NAME> is not abstract and does not override abstract method <METHOD> in <CLASS> |
18413 | missing <METHOD>, or declare abstract |
18229 | <TYPE> cannot be dereferenced |
18177 | unreachable statement |
16475 | no suitable constructor found for <NAME> |
16340 | incompatible types - found: <TYPE> but expected <TYPE> |
16336 | '{' expected |
14834 | <NAME> has private access in <NAME> |
13420 | java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException |
11303 | incomparable types: <TYPE> and <TYPE> |
11239 | unclosed character literal |
10673 | java.lang.NumberFormatException # is an invalid <TYPE> |
10464 | unreported exception <NAME> thrown |
10323 | ']' expected |
8204 | 'void' type not allowed here |
7145 | java.lang.ArithmeticException Division by zero. |
6861 | illegal escape character |
6744 | unmappable character for encoding <NAME> |
6600 | integer number too large: # |
6453 | cannot find symbol - constructor <NAME> |
5616 | while expected |
5388 | array required, but <TYPE> found |
4977 | class expected |
4920 | bad operand type <TYPE> for unary operator ' ' |
4267 | java.lang.StackOverflowError |
3807 | inconvertible types, found: <TYPE> required: <TYPE> |
3728 | array dimension missing |
3639 | java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException |
3344 | missing return value |
3071 | java.util.IllegalFormatConversionException |
2711 | cannot access <NAME> |
2636 | '.' expected |
2633 | illegal initializer for <NAME> |
2620 | empty character literal |
2522 | <NAME> is abstract; cannot be instantiated |
2388 | > expected |
2373 | modifier (enum/abstract/final/private/static/protected/public) not allowed here |
2346 | unclosed comment |
2318 | java.lang.IllegalArgumentException Invalid argument. |
2312 | java.lang.IllegalMonitorStateException |
2282 | orphaned case |
2191 | java.util.NoSuchElementException |
2185 | : expected |
2042 | '}' expected |
2037 | '[' expected |
1974 | cannot assign a value to final variable <NAME> |
1952 | 'try' without 'catch', 'finally' or resource declarations |
1948 | break outside switch or loop |
1843 | <METHOD> is not public in <CLASS>; cannot be accessed from outside package |
1701 | call to <NAME> must be first statement in constructor |
1649 | duplicate class: <CLASS> |
1613 | java.util.UnknownFormatConversionException |
1574 | java.util.MissingFormatArgumentException |
1553 | java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError <CLASS> |
1462 | case, default, or '}' expected |
1396 | error while writing: (Access is denied) |
1344 | 'catch' without 'try' |
1305 | java.util.InputMismatchException For input string: "#" |
1303 | incompatible types: <TYPE> cannot be converted to <TYPE> |
1256 | Illegal static declaration in inner class <CLASS> modifier 'static' is only allowed in constant <VARIABLE> |
1214 | illegal line end in character literal |
1114 | for-each not applicable to expression type\n required: <TYPE> found: <TYPE> |
1083 | java.io.FileNotFoundException (The system cannot find the file specified) |
1023 | exception <NAME> is never thrown in body of corresponding try statement |
999 | <METHOD> in <CLASS> cannot override <METHOD> in <CLASS>: return type <TYPE> is not compatible with <TYPE> |
978 | return outside method |
944 | <METHOD> in <CLASS> cannot override <METHOD> in <CLASS>: attempting to assign weaker access privileges; was public/protected/package |
917 | malformed floating point literal |
893 | cannot reference <NAME> before supertype <CONSTRUCTOR> been called |
827 | <METHOD> in <CLASS> cannot implement <METHOD> in <CLASS>: attempting to assign weaker access privileges; was public/protected/package |
804 | java.lang.AssertionError |
727 | local variable <NAME> final |
674 | interface expected here |
653 | <METHOD> not override or implement a <METHOD> a supertype |
633 | illegal combination of modifiers (abstract/final/private/static/volatile/protected/public) |
616 | repeated modifier |
611 | type <TYPE> does not take parameters |
607 | java.lang.ClassCastException <CLASS> cannot be cast to <CLASS> |
582 | java.util.NoSuchElementException No line found |
555 | java.util.ConcurrentModificationException |
534 | java.util.IllegalFormatPrecisionException |
483 | java.lang.OutOfMemoryError Java heap space |
475 | error while writing: (Zugriff verweigert) |
467 | java.lang.NoSuchMethodError <METHOD> |
465 | recursive <CONSTRUCTOR> |
451 | duplicate case label |
437 | <NAME> has protected access in <NAME> |
407 | java.net.SocketException Connection reset |
406 | orphaned default |
390 | java.io.FileNotFoundException (No such file or directory) |
382 | #NAME? |
371 | cyclic inheritance involving <NAME> |
356 | illegal forward reference |
350 | reference to <METHOD> is ambiguous, both <METHOD> in <CLASS> and <METHOD> in <CLASS> match |
341 | constant expression required |
336 | no interface expected here |
331 | java.lang.Exception |
325 | <METHOD> in <CLASS> cannot override <METHOD> in <CLASS>: overridden <METHOD> static/final |
301 | abstract methods cannot have a body |
280 | ',', '}', or ';' expected |
255 | continue outside of loop |
254 | interface methods cannot have body |
252 | error reading: error in opening zip file |
245 | java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException |
235 | undefined label: <NAME> |
223 | java.lang.IllegalStateException Scanner closed |
219 | wrong number of type arguments; required # |
215 | generic array creation |
213 | java.lang.RuntimeException The UI was not initialised or had been quit |
205 | illegal unicode escape |
203 | error while writing: (Acceso denegado) |
199 | 'try' without 'catch' or 'finally' |
196 | self-reference in initializer |
189 | java.util.MissingFormatWidthException |
177 | floating point number too large |
151 | java.lang.ClassNotFoundException <CLASS> |
143 | java.util.FormatFlagsConversionMismatchException |
136 | array required: <TYPE> found: <TYPE> |
128 | error while writing: (Toegang geweigerd) |
116 | error while writing: (Permission denied) |
111 | java.lang.IllegalAccessError tried to access class <CLASS> or field <FIELD> or method <METHOD> |
110 | <METHOD> in <CLASS> cannot implement <METHOD> in <CLASS>: overridden <METHOD> not throw <NAME> |
110 | as of release #, ' as an identifier) |
109 | java.util.EmptyStackException |
105 | <METHOD> in <CLASS> cannot implement <METHOD> in <CLASS>: overridden <METHOD> static/final |
104 | name clash: <NAME> and <NAME> other |
98 | variable <VARIABLE> might already have been assigned |
93 | exception <NAME> has already been caught |
92 | not an enclosing class: <CLASS> |
91 | enum types must not be local |
89 | java.lang.IllegalStateException This actor is not in a grid. |
89 | illegal underscore |
87 | error while writing: (Acesso negado) |
86 | java.io.FileNotFoundException (The system cannot find the path specified) |
85 | java.lang.NullPointerException <NAME> must not be null. |
82 | floating point number too small |
82 | foreach not applicable to expression type |
79 | java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError no <?> in java.library.path |
75 | becker.robots.RobotException |
75 | package <PACKAGE> clashes with <CLASS> same name |
73 | java.util.IllegalFormatFlagsException |
73 | <METHOD> in <CLASS> cannot implement <METHOD> in <CLASS>: return type <TYPE> is not compatible with <TYPE> |
72 | an enum switch case label must be the unqualified name of an enumeration constant |
70 | java.lang.IllegalStateException No robot has been created yet |
70 | inner classes cannot have static declarations |
67 | abstract method <METHOD> cannot be accessed directly |
66 | annotation type not applicable to this kind of declaration |
65 | cannot inherit from final <NAME> |
61 | java.lang.NegativeArraySizeException |
60 | non-static type <VARIABLE> cannot be referenced from a static context |
59 | java.util.InputMismatchException Value out of range: # |
59 | enum types may not be instantiated |
57 | java.awt.AWTError BoxLayout can't be shared |
53 | java.lang.IllegalStateException This actor is already contained in a grid. |
52 | <METHOD> in <CLASS> cannot override <METHOD> in <CLASS>: overridden <METHOD> not throw <NAME> |
51 | java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError major.minor version #.# |
51 | error: error reading: cannot read zip file |
50 | hexadecimal numbers must contain at least one hexadecimal digit |
49 | illegal start of statement |
48 | cannot infer type arguments for <TYPE>; |
46 | error reading: cannot read zip file |
45 | java.net.BindException Address already in use: # |
38 | java.lang.ArrayStoreException |
38 | java.lang.IllegalThreadStateException |
37 | 'finally' without 'try' |
37 | type argument <NAME> is not within bounds of type variable <NAME> |
36 | java.io.IOException Stream closed |
36 | error while writing: (Read-only file system) |
35 | java.sql.SQLException |
35 | an enclosing instance that contains <NAME> is required |
34 | duplicate default label |
33 | java.io.FileNotFoundException (Access is denied) |
32 | illegal generic type for instanceof |
31 | java.net.ConnectException Connection refused |
30 | java.util.InputMismatchException The Text Pane says ' ' |
30 | error reading: (Access is denied) |
29 | com.vmware.vim25.InvalidLogin |
27 | java.io.IOException Cannot run program "#": CreateProcess error=2, The system cannot find the file specified |
26 | java.util.InputMismatchException radix 1 less than Character.MIN_RADIX |
25 | -> expected |
24 | java.lang.NoSuchFieldError <FIELD> |
24 | java.util.DuplicateFormatFlagsException |
24 | <NAME> cannot be inherited with different arguments: <1> and <2> |
24 | final parameter <NAME> assigned |
23 | java.net.UnknownHostException <HOST> |
23 | code too large |
21 | java.lang.IllegalStateException No match found |
21 | java.lang.OutOfMemoryError Requested array size exceeds VM limit |
21 | error while writing: No space left on device |
20 | java.io.FileNotFoundException |
20 | java.lang.RuntimeException java.io.FileNotFoundException (No such file or directory) |
20 | error while writing: (Keine Berechtigung) |
20 | error while writing: There is not enough space on the disk |
19 | acm.util.ErrorException Main class does not specify a program |
19 | java.io.IOException File not found: |
19 | java.rmi.RemoteException VI SDK invoke exception |
19 | ListIndexOutOfBoundsException |
18 | java.io.FileNotFoundException (The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect) |
18 | java.lang.IllegalStateException |
18 | java.lang.OutOfMemoryError GC overhead limit exceeded |
18 | illegal qualifer: <NAME> class |
18 | variable <VARIABLE> might be assigned in loop |
17 | java.awt.IllegalComponentStateException The frame is displayable. |
17 | java.io.UnsupportedEncodingException |
17 | java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException getTime() is no longer supported - use System.currentTimeMillis() instead |
17 | java.util.InputMismatchException JSON string for member of congress in wrong format |
17 | javax.crypto.BadPaddingException Data must start with zero |
17 | duplicate annotation |
16 | java.net.MalformedURLException no protocol: <PROTOCOL> |
16 | java.util.MissingResourceException Can't find bundle for base name <BASENAME> |
15 | java.lang.RuntimeException Input buffer broken |
15 | <VARIABLE> not allowed here |
15 | incompatible types; no instance(s) of type variable(s) <TYPE> exist so that <TYPE> conforms to <TYPE> |
15 | initializer must be able to complete normally |
14 | java.lang.IllegalStateException Unfinished shape cannot run method: <METHOD> setPosition |
13 | com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException Duplicate entry(' ') |
13 | java.lang.RuntimeException JOptionPane: type must be one of JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE, JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE, JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE, JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE or JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE |
13 | error reading: zip file is empty |
13 | not a loop label: <NAME> |
12 | java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException |
12 | java.util.IllegalFormatWidthException |
12 | error while writing: Disc quota exceeded |
11 | java.io.NotSerializableException |
11 | java.lang.IllegalStateException Unfinished shape cannot run method: <METHOD> setSize |
11 | java.lang.NullPointerException <NAME> |
11 | java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError Library ' ' |
11 | java.net.BindException Permission denied |
11 | error while writing: (The media is write protected) |
11 | illegal reference to static field from initializer |
10 | java.lang.RuntimeException JOptionPane: option type must be one of JOptionPane.DEFAULT_OPTION, JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION, JOptionPane.YES_NO_CANCEL_OPTION or JOptionPane.OK_CANCEL_OPTION |
10 | binary numbers must contain at least one binary digit |
10 | error while writing: (The process cannot access <NAME> |
10 | error while writing: could not create parent directories |
10 | name clash: <NAME> and <NAME> erasure |
9 | com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.CommunicationsException |
9 | java.lang.ArithmeticException BigInteger: modulus not positive |
9 | java.lang.IllegalStateException Name must not be empty. |
9 | java.lang.InstantiationError Object |
9 | java.lang.RuntimeException java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException |
9 | NullDivision |
9 | org.openqa.selenium.NoSuchElementException unable to locate node using <INPUT> |
9 | as of release #, ' is allowed as the parameter name for the receiver type only, which has to be the first parameter |
9 | error while writing: (The file cannot be accessed by the system) |
8 | acm.util.ErrorException java.io.FileNotFoundException (The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process) |
8 | edu.cmu.sphinx.util.props.InternalConfigurationException Can't locate resource |
8 | java.io.FileNotFoundException (The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process) |
8 | java.lang.NullPointerException No robot world has been created to place the robot in. |
8 | java.lang.RuntimeException Could not read from the file ' ' |
8 | java.lang.RuntimeException java.sql.SQLException |
8 | java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError lejos.nxt.SensorPort.setPowerTypeById(II)V |
8 | java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Can't load IA 32-bit .dll on a AMD 64-bit platform |
8 | javax.imageio.IIOException Can't read input file! |
8 | error reading: error reading zip file |
8 | error: Exception thrown while constructing Processor object: com/jogamp/gluegen/structgen/CStructAnnotationProcessor : Unsupported major.minor version 51.0 |
8 | interface not allowed here |
7 | ClaveDuplicadaException |
7 | java.awt.AWTError Illegal request |
7 | java.io.EOFException |
7 | java.lang.IllegalStateException Provider may only be changed before input is created! |
7 | java.nio.BufferUnderflowException |
7 | javax.sound.sampled.UnsupportedAudioFileException could not get audio input stream from input file <FILE> |
7 | Alternatives in a multi-catch statement cannot be related by subclassing |
7 | anonymous <CLASS> interface; cannot have arguments |
7 | error while writing: (No space left on device) |
6 | com.db4o.ext.DatabaseClosedException |
6 | com.jme3.asset.AssetNotFoundException textures/doty.gif (Flipped) (Mipmapped) |
6 | gumball.HasQuarterException |
6 | java.lang.IllegalStateException just testing! |
6 | java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError Expected static method <METHOD> |
6 | java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError NativeProcess.createProcess(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;ZLjava/io/FileDescriptor;Ljava/io/FileDescriptor;Ljava/io/FileDescriptor;)I |
6 | java.net.BindException Address already in use |
6 | java.net.MalformedURLException Unsupported protocol: <PROTOCOL> |
6 | java.security.InvalidKeyException Wrong algorithm: AES or Rijndael required |
6 | java.util.NoSuchElementException The queue is currently empty. |
6 | LengthException |
6 | OverflowException |
6 | SpaceOccupiedException |
6 | error while writing: (Permiso denegado) |
6 | non-static method <T>getList(T...) cannot be referenced from a static context |
5 | EmptyListException |
5 | InvalidInputException |
5 | InvalidMoveException |
5 | java.awt.geom.IllegalPathStateException missing initial moveto in path definition |
5 | java.awt.image.RasterFormatException Transformed height/width (0) is less than or equal to 0. |
5 | java.lang.ClassFormatError Truncated class file |
5 | java.lang.Error Could not find class ' ' while reading a city. |
5 | java.lang.IllegalStateException Invalid boundary limits. |
5 | java.net.MalformedURLException unknown protocol: <PROTOCOL> |
5 | java.text.ParseException Unparseable date: "#" |
5 | javax.imageio.IIOException Unsupported Image Type |
5 | javax.media.opengl.GLException No default device available |
5 | StackUnderflowException Stack Underflow |
5 | TerminalException |
5 | utils.NotFoundException Not Found |
5 | constant string too long |
5 | error reading: (The system cannot find the file specified) |
5 | error while writing: (The requested operation cannot be performed on a file with a user-mapped section open) |
4 | com.vmware.vim25.DuplicateName |
4 | java.io.IOException Server returned HTTP response code: 400 for URL |
4 | java.lang.ArithmeticException Non-terminating decimal expansion; no exact representable decimal result. |
4 | java.lang.IllegalStateException Either the name or phone must not be blank. |
4 | java.lang.IllegalStateException Worth must not be negative. |
4 | java.lang.RuntimeException JOptionPane: parentComponent does not have a valid parent |
4 | java.lang.Throwable |
4 | java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError lejos.nxt.LCD.getSystemFont()[B |
4 | java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException getGraphics() not valid for images created with createImage(producer) |
4 | java.net.ConnectException Connection timed out: connect |
4 | java.nio.file.InvalidPathException Illegal Char <CHAR> |
4 | javax.crypto.IllegalBlockSizeException Data must not be longer than 64 bytes |
4 | javax.mail.SendFailedException Invalid Addresses |
4 | UnderflowException |
4 | UnexpectedTextfileFormatException Unexpected Length Of Line in <FILE>: # at # |
4 | bad initializer for for-loop |
4 | illegal '.' |
3 | com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLSyntaxErrorException Unknown column ' ' |
3 | com.vmware.vim25.NotSupported |
3 | ElementNotFoundException The target element is not in this <STRUCTURE> |
3 | gumball.NoQuarterException |
3 | InvalidPositionException |
3 | java.awt.IllegalComponentStateException The frame is decorated |
3 | java.io.FileNotFoundException (The device is not ready) |
3 | java.io.FileNotFoundException <FILE> |
3 | java.lang.ArithmeticException Rounding necessary |
3 | java.lang.Error setAccelerator() is not defined for JMenu. Use setMnemonic() instead. |
3 | java.lang.IllegalStateException Object creation failed, invalid state. |
3 | java.lang.IllegalStateException Timer already cancelled. |
3 | java.lang.RuntimeException Do not recognize shape |
3 | java.lang.RuntimeException Invalid card specification |
3 | java.lang.RuntimeException java.io.FileNotFoundException (The system cannot find the file specified) |
3 | java.lang.RuntimeException Live cache invalid or missing for Corn |
3 | java.lang.RuntimeException missing Flickr API key |
3 | java.lang.SecurityException Unexpected Error in Resourcefile: currentLine.length(): 1 |
3 | java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Can't find dependent libraries |
3 | java.net.BindException Cannot assign requested address: # |
3 | MatrixMathException Inverse Error: Matrix is singular and does not have an inverse |
3 | MyError java.io.FileNotFoundException: |
3 | ThirteenException Use thirteen letter words and stainless steel to protect yourself! |
3 | utils.EmptyException StringIntMap.entries |
3 | <CLASS> |
3 | cannot create array with '<>' |
3 | error while writing: (Accesso negato) |
3 | non-static <CLASS> cannot be referenced from a static context |
3 | repeated interface |
3 | unqualified enumeration constant name required |
3 | unreported exception <NAME> constructor |
2 | acm.util.ErrorException Cannot determine the main class. |
2 | anException nahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh |
2 | com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLSyntaxErrorException Table ' ' doesn't exist |
2 | eduLine.eduJava$CrossRoadsException DeviceProblem.openUSB |
2 | IndexException |
2 | java.awt.color.CMMException Invalid image format |
2 | java.awt.IllegalComponentStateException The window is showing on screen. |
2 | java.io.InvalidClassException local class incompatible: stream classdesc serialVersionUID = 1390623405567409529, local class serialVersionUID = -4616381250237435092 |
2 | java.io.IOException Cannot run program "#": CreateProcess error=740, The requested operation requires elevation |
2 | java.io.IOException Cannot run program "#": error=2, No such file or directory |
2 | java.io.IOException Cannot run program # in directory "C:\"): CreateProcess error=2, The system cannot find the file specified |
2 | java.io.IOException Cannot run program # in directory "Desktop"): CreateProcess error=267, The directory name is invalid |
2 | java.io.IOException could not create audio stream from input file <FILE> |
2 | java.io.IOException Failed to open file <FILE> Error message: A device attached to the system is not functioning. |
2 | java.io.IOException Negative seek offset |
2 | java.io.IOException Stream not marked |
2 | java.lang.ArithmeticException NAN |
2 | java.lang.ClassFormatError javax/swing/plaf/basic/BasicOptionPaneUI$MultiplexingTextField |
2 | java.lang.Error Division by zero. |
2 | java.lang.IllegalStateException Cannot get a numeric value from a text cell |
2 | java.lang.IllegalStateException No current robot. Specify robot to move using an argument or create a robot first. |
2 | java.lang.IllegalStateException There is already some food |
2 | java.lang.InternalError Could not create a buffer strategy |
2 | java.lang.LinkageError loader constraint violation: when resolving method "bst.BinarySearchTree.insert(Lki/KeyedItem;)V" the class loader (instance of java/net/URLClassLoader) of the current class, TreeSort, and the class loader (instance of sun/misc/Launcher$AppClassLoader) for resolved class, bst/BinarySearchTree, have different Class objects for the type V used in the signature |
2 | java.lang.OutOfMemoryError PermGen space |
2 | java.lang.RuntimeException File not found |
2 | java.lang.RuntimeException java.lang.InstantiationException: blackjack.Player$NotifyWon |
2 | java.lang.RuntimeException Matrix is singular or nearly singular |
2 | java.lang.RuntimeException Resource not found: |
2 | java.lang.RuntimeException Stack underflow |
2 | java.lang.SecurityException Access to default session denied |
2 | java.lang.ThreadDeath |
2 | java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError com.sun.midp.main.Configuration.getProperty0(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String; |
2 | java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError lejos.nxt.MotorPort.getTachoCountById(I)I |
2 | java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError lejos.nxt.NXT.getUserPages()I |
2 | java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError MyObject.getClassName()Ljava/lang/String; |
2 | java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Can't load library: <LIBRARY> |
2 | java.net.NoRouteToHostException No route to host: connect |
2 | java.nio.BufferOverflowException |
2 | java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException |
2 | java.util.NoSuchElementException No next element |
2 | javax.crypto.BadPaddingException Given final block not properly padded |
2 | jpl.PrologException PrologException: error(syntax_error(operator_expected), string(' ', 9)) |
2 | NotImplementedException |
2 | NullDisivion |
2 | org.apache.poi.openxml4j.exceptions.OpenXML4JRuntimeException Fail to save: an error occurs while saving the package : null |
2 | org.restlet.resource.ResourceException Connection Error |
2 | OutOfRangeException Input value is out of range: # |
2 | QueueUnderflowException There is not any code integer to remove. |
2 | StackException List is empty! |
2 | StackUnderflowException Operation attempted on an empty stack. |
2 | UnsupportedDocumentTypeException |
2 | util.LiveCache$InvalidException Live cache invalid or missing for ASX |
2 | ValueException error |
2 | ZeroDenominatorException denominator = 0 |
2 | >, extends, or super expected |
2 | enum declarations allowed only in static contexts |
2 | error while writing: (Acces refuzat) |
2 | incompatible types for ?: neither is a subtype of the other |
2 | label <NAME> already in use |
2 | legacy array notation not allowed on variable-arity parameter |
2 | name clash: <NAME> and <NAME> t |
2 | no enclosing instance of type <TYPE> scope |
2 | removeUpdate(javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument.DefaultDocumentEvent) in MyPanel.CustomTextArea.MyTextDocument cannot override removeUpdate(javax.swing.text.AbstractDocument.DefaultDocumentEvent) in javax.swing.text.PlainDocument\n overridden <METHOD> n |
2 | TypewriterEffect.type <TYPE> does not override abstract <METHOD> in java.util.TimerTask |
1 | AgeNotNegativeException Message:- Age Can't be -ve dear.. :) :P |
1 | anException nahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh dont do that, dawg. |
1 | BadCostException Price cannot be negative |
1 | com.db4o.ext.DatabaseFileLockedException |
1 | com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLSyntaxErrorException Undeclared variable: division |
1 | com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLSyntaxErrorException You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ' ' at line 1 |
1 | com.vmware.vim25.InvalidArgument |
1 | eduLine.eduJava$CrossRoadsException DeviceProblem.setOutput |
1 | EmptyCanException |
1 | EmptyCollectionException no data in tree |
1 | EmptyListaException listapp is empty |
1 | Exception_Database Database Error: null |
1 | GameRuntimeException All positions have been assigned a player! |
1 | GameRuntimeException That command is not understood |
1 | InsufficientFunds |
1 | java.awt.AWTError Invalid axis |
1 | java.awt.datatransfer.UnsupportedFlavorException Unicode String |
1 | java.awt.IllegalComponentStateException component must be showing on the screen to determine its location |
1 | java.awt.image.RasterFormatException (y + height/width) is outside of Raster |
1 | java.io.FileNotFoundException (A required privilege is not held by the client) |
1 | java.io.FileNotFoundException (Too many open files) |
1 | java.io.IOException Cannot run program # in directory "Desktop:"): CreateProcess error=267, The directory name is invalid |
1 | java.io.IOException invalid integer |
1 | java.io.StreamCorruptedException invalid stream header: 6D617269 |
1 | java.lang.AbstractMethodError Laptop.compareTo(LComparable;)I |
1 | java.lang.ArithmeticException |
1 | java.lang.ArithmeticException BigInteger not invertible. |
1 | java.lang.ArithmeticException ERROR |
1 | java.lang.ArithmeticException Invalid operation |
1 | java.lang.ClassFormatError Unknown constant tag 0 in class file javax/swing/JTextField |
1 | java.lang.Error Input contains characters that aren't alphabetic or whitespace. |
1 | java.lang.Error Player must be Black or White |
1 | java.lang.Error Unresolved compilation problem: \n |
1 | java.lang.Error Unresolved compilation problems: \n Syntax error, insert ";" to complete Statement\n Syntax error on token "else", delete this token\n Syntax error, insert ";" to complete ReturnStatement\n Syntax error on token "else", delete this token\n Syntax error on token "}", delete this token\n |
1 | java.lang.IllegalStateException Door is already closed |
1 | java.lang.IllegalStateException getPipSum called, but dice not rolled |
1 | java.lang.IllegalStateException javax.swing.JLabel[,0,0,0x0,invalid,alignmentX=0.0,alignmentY=0.0,border=,flags=8388608,maximumSize=,minimumSize=,preferredSize=,defaultIcon=,disabledIcon=,horizontalAlignment=LEADING,horizontalTextPosition=TRAILING,iconTextGap=4,labelFor=,text=Mening,verticalAlignment=CENTER,verticalTextPosition=CENTER] is not attached to a horizontal group |
1 | java.lang.IllegalStateException oh snap, something went wrong! |
1 | java.lang.IllegalStateException OutOfBeepers |
1 | java.lang.IllegalStateException The grid contains a different actor at location (0, 9). |
1 | java.lang.IllegalStateException The multishape has to have at least one part |
1 | java.lang.IllegalStateException Unknown doneness |
1 | java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError Expected static field <FIELD> |
1 | java.lang.LinkageError loader constraint violation: when resolving method "bst.BinarySearchTree.retrieve(Ljava/lang/Comparable;)Lki/KeyedItem;" the class loader (instance of java/net/URLClassLoader) of the current class, TreeSort, and the class loader (instance of sun/misc/Launcher$AppClassLoader) for resolved class, bst/BinarySearchTree, have different Class objects for the type retrieve used in the signature |
1 | java.lang.NullPointerException Division by zero. |
1 | java.lang.RuntimeException |
1 | java.lang.RuntimeException cannot delete |
1 | java.lang.RuntimeException Date string <19-8-2013 11:00:00> not recognised because it contains extra characters after a date. |
1 | java.lang.RuntimeException Error |
1 | java.lang.RuntimeException Error. You have not entered enough values |
1 | java.lang.RuntimeException Failed : HTTP error code : 403 |
1 | java.lang.RuntimeException imageWidth: 422 != imageHeight: 357 |
1 | java.lang.RuntimeException Input integer must be greater than 2. |
1 | java.lang.RuntimeException Invalid response |
1 | java.lang.RuntimeException java.io.FileNotFoundException (Not a directory) |
1 | java.lang.RuntimeException No background cache for ASX |
1 | java.lang.RuntimeException No console class |
1 | java.lang.RuntimeException No file inputed |
1 | java.lang.RuntimeException Room outside the main entrance of the university already contains torch. |
1 | java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError Cannot load 32-bit SWT libraries on 64-bit JVM |
1 | java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError Expecting an absolute path of the library: <LIBRARY> |
1 | java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException Java Runtime Environment (JRE) version 1.7 is not supported by this driver. Use the sqljdbc4.jar class library, which provides support for JDBC 4.0. |
1 | java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException No default technique on material ' '\n is supported by the video hardware. The caps [GLSL100] are required. |
1 | java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException Not supported yet. |
1 | java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException Not yet implemented |
1 | java.net.SocketException Network is unreachable |
1 | java.net.SocketException socket closed |
1 | java.nio.channels.NotYetConnectedException |
1 | java.rmi.ConnectException Connection refused |
1 | java.security.InvalidKeyException Invalid AES key length: 8 bytes |
1 | java.security.InvalidKeyException No installed provider supports this key: javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec |
1 | java.security.InvalidKeyException Parameters missing |
1 | java.security.InvalidParameterException RSA keys must be at least 512 bits long |
1 | java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException Cannot find any provider supporting DES/ECB/PKS5Padding |
1 | java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException RSA KeyGenerator not available |
1 | java.util.IllegalFormatCodePointException |
1 | java.util.InputMismatchException Sorry but you can only enter integers |
1 | java.util.NoSuchElementException Error 404: intelligence not found (you can't remove from an empty queue) |
1 | javax.crypto.BadPaddingException Message is larger than modulus |
1 | javax.crypto.IllegalBlockSizeException Input length must be multiple of 16 when decrypting with padded cipher |
1 | javax.media.nativewindow.NativeWindowException X11Util.Display: Unable to create a display(:0.0) connection. Thread main |
1 | javax.media.NoPlayerException Cannot find a Player for :file:/C:/Users/Sam/Downloads/Eng Analyzer Basic Operation.wmv |
1 | javax.media.NoPlayerException Error instantiating class: com.sun.media.protocol.file.DataSource : java.io.IOException: File Not Found |
1 | junit.framework.AssertionFailedError null |
1 | ListArray$ListIndexOutOfBoundsException |
1 | MissingCharacterException The Character " " isn't encoded in ASCII! |
1 | MyRuntimeException THIS IS MY RUNTIME EXCEPTION! |
1 | org.apache.commons.codec.DecoderException Odd integer of characters. |
1 | org.apache.poi.poifs.filesystem.OfficeXmlFileException The supplied data appears to be in the Office 2007+ XML. You are calling the part of POI that deals with OLE2 Office Documents. You need to call a different part of POI to process this data (eg XSSF instead of HSSF) |
1 | org.openqa.selenium.InvalidSelectorException The xpath expression ' ' cannot be evaluated |
1 | org.openqa.selenium.StaleElementReferenceException Element appears to be stale. Did you navigate away from the page that contained it? And is the current window focussed the same as the one holding this element? |
1 | org.openqa.selenium.WebDriverException java.net.MalformedURLException: no protocol: <PROTOCOL> |
1 | QueueUnderflowException |
1 | QueueUnderflowException Queue is Empty! |
1 | StackOverflowException Stack Overflow |
1 | Stop |
1 | Stop2 |
1 | sun.awt.X11.XException Cannot write XdndAware property |
1 | TextFileErrorException Unexpected Exception in <FILE>: # at # |
1 | TextFileErrorException Unexpected Length Of Line in <FILE>: # at # |
1 | VendingMachineException Invalid code for vending machine item |
1 | <METHOD> in <CLASS> is defined in an inaccessible <CLASS> interface |
1 | a generic <CLASS> not extend <NAME> |
1 | annotation <NAME> is missing value for the attribute value |
1 | C:\Users\Yanez\Desktop\desk\suma.java:10: cannot find symbol - variable <NAME> |
1 | cannot create array with type arguments |
1 | cannot declare both main(java.lang.String...) and main(java.lang.String[]) in squaresofintegers |
1 | cannot find symbol - static Out |
1 | diamond operator is not supported in -source 1.5\n (use -source 7 or higher to enable diamond operator) |
1 | error reading: (Das System kann die angegebene Datei nicht finden) |
1 | error reading: (Permission denied) |
1 | error reading: (The system cannot find the path specified) |
1 | error while writing: (Acces refuse) |
1 | error while writing: (Invalid argument) |
1 | error while writing: (The drive cannot find the sector requested) |
1 | error while writing: (The handle is invalid) |
1 | error while writing: (The operation could not be completed because the volume is dirty. |
1 | error while writing: The system cannot find the file specified |
1 | error while writing: The volume for a file has been externally altered so that the opened file is no longer valid |
1 | error: error reading: (bad signature) |
1 | improperly formed type, some parameters are missing |
1 | improperly formed type, type arguments given on a raw type |
1 | multi-catch parameter <NAME> may not be assigned |
1 | onCommand(org.bukkit.command.CommandSender,org.bukkit.command.Command,java.lang.String,java.lang.String[]) in accretion.AccretionMusic cannot implement onCommand(org.bukkit.command.CommandSender,org.bukkit.command.Command,java.lang.String,java.lang.String |
1 | qualified new of static class |
1 | static import declarations are not supported in -source 1.4\n (use -source 5 or higher to enable static import declarations) |
1 | try-with-resources not applicable to <VARIABLE>\n required: <TYPE> found: <TYPE> |